- Baur Chocolat GmbH & Co. KG
- Bodeta Süßwaren GmbH
- Dietrich Borggreve Zwieback- und Ke...
- Cavendish & Harvey Confectionery Gm...
- Coppenrath Feingebäck GmbH
- Delitzscher Schokoladenfabrik GmbH
- Eichetti GmbH
- Extrakta Strauss GmbH
- Frankonia Schokoladenwerke GmbH
- Gut Springenheide GmbH
- HOSTA - Werk für Schokolade-Spezial...
- Confiserie Heidel
- HITSCHLER International GmbH & Co. ...
- Huober Brezel GmbH & Co.
- Intersnack Deutschland SE
- Gebr. Jancke GmbH
- KESSKO Kessler & Comp. GmbH & Co. K...
- KONDIMA Engelhardt GmbH & Co. KG
- KuchenMeister GmbH
- Confiserie Burg Lauenstein GmbH
- The Lorenz Bahlsen Snack-World GmbH...
- Martin Braun-Gruppe
- J. G. Niederegger GmbH & Co. KG
- Piasten GmbH
- Pit Hoffmann GmbH & Co. KG
- Pulmoll Kalfany GmbH
- Ragolds GmbH
- Hans Riegelein & Sohn GmbH & Co. KG
- Rübezahl Schokoladen GmbH
- Schluckwerder GmbH
- Seeberger GmbH
- SOLDAN Holding + Bonbonspezialitäte...
- SpreeWaffel
- Ulmer Schokoladen GmbH & Co. KG
- Viba sweets GmbH / Confiserie Heile...
- Weibler Confiserie Chocolaterie Gmb...
- WHG Weißenfelser Handels-Gesellscha...
- Gottfried Wicklein GmbH & Co. KG Nü...
- XOX Gebäck GmbH
- Zentralfachschule der Deutschen Süß...
- Netcon Test
制造商目录 / Central College of the Germany Confectionery Industry

Central College of the Germany Confectionery Industry
De-Leuw-Str. 3-942653 Solingen
Much more than Learning!
Since 1951, the ZDS Central College of the German Confectionery Industry has established itself as an institute for training and further education for the entire confectionery sector. For more than 60 years thousands of apprentices, trainees and master craftspersons have passed through its numerous courses of training and education. At present, the ZDS employs more than 50 members of staff in the educational area, in administration, the refectory and in two young people’s homes. All of them play their part in bringing every year more than 400 trainees and around 1000 seminar participants up to date in developments of confectionery.

- 先生 Andreas Bertram
- 电话: +49 212 5961-10
- 电邮: a.bertram@zds-solingen.de
- 名片: Download

- 先生 Andreas Bertram
- 电话: +49 212 5961-10
- 电邮: a.bertram@zds-solingen.de
- 名片: Download