
制造商目录 / Gut Springenheide GmbH

Gut Springenheide GmbH

Weiner 152
48607 Ochtrup

电话: +49 2553 1022

Gut Springenheide GmbH

A family business since 1844


The shell game where everyone wins: our praline eggs.


Is there any more perfect packaging than a chicken eggshell? After using the contents of the egg for pancakes and omelettes, we don’t just throw away the shells. Instead, we reuse them by filling them with finest-quality praline chocolate. As you can imagine, it takes special skill to fill this sustainable packaging. Whether you choose to keep the natural look or go for brightly coloured decorations, these praline chocolate eggs are sure to provide the sweetest aha-moments.


Gut Springenheide: Your specialist for all fine things related to eggs




糖果: 牛轧制品: 牛轧糖蛋;

可可和巧克力制品: 板块巧克力,含果仁/杏仁: 杏仁牛轧巧克力, 杏仁果仁巧克力, 果仁牛轧巧克力; 板块巧克力,口味: 牛轧糖巧克力, 牛轧糖脆果仁巧克力; 巧克力制品; 季节性产品: 圣诞产品, 复活节产品, 鸡蛋壳巧克力(夹心), 天然蛋壳装牛轧糖, 巧克力蛋, 礼品巧克力蛋, 巧克力蛋(实心);

绿色甜点: 绿色可可和巧克力制品;

果糖和麦芽糖醇甜品: 麦芽糖醇的可可和巧克力制品;

其他甜食: 礼品;