
制造商目录 / KuchenMeister GmbH

KuchenMeister GmbH

Coesterweg 31
59494 Soest

电话: +49 2921 7808736

A family-run company with a long tradition

Since we were founded in 1884, we have developed from a small artisan bakery into an international market leader for fine baked goods. Our locations have been continuously developed over the course of our more than 130-year company history in order to combine traditional baking with the latest technology. Quality and social and ecological responsibility have always been part of our guidelines.

KuchenMeister stands for entrepreneurial imagination, joy in innovation and attractive products of the highest quality. No wonder that the slogan "Baking is our love" is lived by all employees every day.

Learn more about our history and our diverse products here and convince yourself of our recipe for the highest quality and sustainability!



饼干/糕点: 饼干: 夹心饼干; 糕点: 年轮蛋糕, 圣诞果脯蛋糕, 点心/蛋糕, 蛋糕条, 蛋糕底, 挞底; 华夫饼和华夫产品;

纯素食甜食: 纯素食饼干/糕点;

素食甜食: 素食饼干/糕点;

清真甜食: 清真饼干/糕点;

其他甜食: 礼品; 儿童产品: 组合产品(甜食与玩具);