- Baur Chocolat GmbH & Co. KG
- Bodeta Süßwaren GmbH
- Dietrich Borggreve Zwieback- und Ke...
- Cavendish & Harvey Confectionery Gm...
- Coppenrath Feingebäck GmbH
- Delitzscher Schokoladenfabrik GmbH
- Eichetti GmbH
- Extrakta Strauss GmbH
- Frankonia Schokoladenwerke GmbH
- Gut Springenheide GmbH
- HOSTA - Werk für Schokolade-Spezial...
- Confiserie Heidel
- HITSCHLER International GmbH & Co. ...
- Huober Brezel GmbH & Co.
- Intersnack Deutschland SE
- Gebr. Jancke GmbH
- KESSKO Kessler & Comp. GmbH & Co. K...
- KONDIMA Engelhardt GmbH & Co. KG
- KuchenMeister GmbH
- Confiserie Burg Lauenstein GmbH
- The Lorenz Bahlsen Snack-World GmbH...
- Martin Braun-Gruppe
- J. G. Niederegger GmbH & Co. KG
- Piasten GmbH
- Pit Hoffmann GmbH & Co. KG
- Pulmoll Kalfany GmbH
- Ragolds GmbH
- Hans Riegelein & Sohn GmbH & Co. KG
- Rübezahl Schokoladen GmbH
- Schluckwerder GmbH
- Seeberger GmbH
- SOLDAN Holding + Bonbonspezialitäte...
- SpreeWaffel
- Ulmer Schokoladen GmbH & Co. KG
- Viba sweets GmbH / Confiserie Heile...
- Weibler Confiserie Chocolaterie Gmb...
- WHG Weißenfelser Handels-Gesellscha...
- Gottfried Wicklein GmbH & Co. KG Nü...
- XOX Gebäck GmbH
- Zentralfachschule der Deutschen Süß...
- Netcon Test
Manufacturer index / Rübezahl Schokoladen GmbH

Rübezahl Schokoladen GmbH
Dieselstr. 973265 Dettingen/Teck
Traditional Products and Innovations at Highest Quality Level!
Rübezahl Schokoladen – your partner for hollow chocolate figures and filled products under the brand names Friedel, Sun Rice puffed rice chocolate and chocolate or sugar coated dragee specialties under the brand “Weseke Dragees”.
Please get in touch with us – our export department will be assisting you.

- Mrs Sabine Kurz
- Leiterin Export Rübezahl / Riegelein
- Telephone: +49 9103 505342
- Email: sabine.kurz@riegelein.de
- vCard: Download

- Mrs Sabine Kurz
- Leiterin Export Rübezahl / Riegelein
- Telephone: +49 9103 505342
- Email: sabine.kurz@riegelein.de
- vCard: Download

- Mrs Sabine Kurz
- Leiterin Export Rübezahl / Riegelein
- Telephone: +49 9103 505342
- Email: sabine.kurz@riegelein.de
- vCard: Download
Product Index
Sugar Confectionery: dragées: dragée eggs, Wiener almonds; roasted almonds and nut kernels: roasted almonds, roasted peanuts; fondant articles; jelly products; peppermint products: peppermint coins; croquant articles: laminated croquant, croquant balls; marzipan products: marzipan eggs, marzipan balls; praline articles: praline Christmas tree decoration, praline eggs, praline balls;
Chocolate Products: alcohol chocolates: liqueur chocolates, Knickebein chocolates, brandy eggs; bar chocolate (solid); bar chocolate, filled with nuts/almonds; bar chocolate (filled), various: praline chocolate, peppermint chocolate (filled), puffed rice chocolate, chocolate filled with alcohol; white chocolate ; chocolate bars; chocolate products: small chocolate barrels, chocolate hearts, chocolate beetles, chocolate balls (hollow), small peppermint chocolate bars/coins (filled), chocolate cat tongues, chocolate cat tongues (filled), chocolate figures, hollow figures (filled), hollow figures (unfilled), reliefs, filled chocolate products; seasonal articles: Christmas articles, Easter articles, Halloween articles, Christmas calendars with non-liqueur chocolates, Christmas tree decoration, hollow figures (Santa Claus), hollow figures (rabbit), Easter nests, gift eggs, chocolate eggs (hollow), chocolate eggs (solid), truffle eggs; chocolate dragées: chocolate-coated almond and nut kernels, cocoa almonds;
Savoury Snacks: popcorn / puffed rice: puffed rice snacks , puffed rice bars;