- Baur Chocolat GmbH & Co. KG
- Bodeta Süßwaren GmbH
- Dietrich Borggreve Zwieback- und Ke...
- Cavendish & Harvey Confectionery Gm...
- Coppenrath Feingebäck GmbH
- Delitzscher Schokoladenfabrik GmbH
- Gut Springenheide GmbH
- HOSTA - Werk für Schokolade-Spezial...
- Confiserie Heidel
- HITSCHLER International GmbH & Co. ...
- Huober Brezel GmbH & Co.
- Intersnack Deutschland SE
- Gebr. Jancke GmbH
- KESSKO Kessler & Comp. GmbH & Co. K...
- KONDIMA Engelhardt GmbH & Co. KG
- KuchenMeister GmbH
- Confiserie Burg Lauenstein GmbH
- The Lorenz Bahlsen Snack-World GmbH...
- Martin Braun-Gruppe
- J. G. Niederegger GmbH & Co. KG
- Piasten GmbH
- Pit Hoffmann GmbH & Co. KG
- Pulmoll Kalfany GmbH
- Ragolds GmbH
- Hans Riegelein & Sohn GmbH & Co. KG
- Rübezahl Schokoladen GmbH
- Schluckwerder GmbH
- Seeberger GmbH
- SOLDAN Holding + Bonbonspezialitäte...
- SpreeWaffel
- Stollwerck GmbH
- Ulmer Schokoladen GmbH & Co. KG
- Viba sweets GmbH / Confiserie Heile...
- Weibler Confiserie Chocolaterie Gmb...
- WHG Weißenfelser Handels-Gesellscha...
- Gottfried Wicklein GmbH & Co. KG Nü...
- XOX Gebäck GmbH
- Zentralfachschule der Deutschen Süß...
- Netcon Test
Manufacturer index / Confiserie Heidel

Confiserie Heidel
Hafenringstr. 649090 Osnabrück
Chocolate – Imagination – Pleasure
Confiserie Heidel – the premium brand for high quality chocolate and pralines in exclusive packages.
Heidel products are designed with such lovely imagination, that they are not only suitable for self consumption, but also make the perfect gift.
A pleasure for all senses!

- Mrs Krista Krumbein
- Telephone: +49 541 9181-118
- Email: krista.krumbein@heidel.com
- vCard: Download

- Mrs Krista Krumbein
- Telephone: +49 541 9181-118
- Email: krista.krumbein@heidel.com
- vCard: Download

- Mrs Krista Krumbein
- Telephone: +49 541 9181-118
- Email: krista.krumbein@heidel.com
- vCard: Download

- Mrs Krista Krumbein
- Telephone: +49 541 9181-118
- Email: krista.krumbein@heidel.com
- vCard: Download

- Mrs Krista Krumbein
- Telephone: +49 541 9181-118
- Email: krista.krumbein@heidel.com
- vCard: Download

- Mrs Krista Krumbein
- Telephone: +49 541 9181-118
- Email: krista.krumbein@heidel.com
- vCard: Download
Product Index
Chocolate Products: filled chocolates / truffles: chocolates assortments, mocca chocolates (filled), praline chocolates; coffee and mocca beans: mocca beans (solid); bar chocolate (solid): alpine milk chocolate, alpine whole milk chocolate, whole milk chocolate, fine whole milk chocolate, fine bitter chocolate, dark chocolate, dark chocolate; white chocolate : white chocolate (filled), white chocolate with rice crisp; chocolate products: chocolate candies, chocolate hearts, small chocolate bars, chocolate mini-bars (Napolitains), filled chocolate products; seasonal articles: Christmas articles, Easter articles, mother's day articles, Halloween articles, Christmas calendars with non-liqueur chocolates, St. Nicolas' rods, Easter calendar, Easter nests, gift eggs;
organic confectionery: organic chocolate products: organic chocolate (solid);
Fair Trade products: fair trade chocolate products;
Vegan confectionery: vegan chocolate products;
Gluten-Free Confectionery: gluten-free chocolate products;
lactose-free confectionery: lactose-free chocolate products;
Vegetarian confectionery: vegetarian biscuits/fine bakery;
Other Confectionery: gift articles (sweets and non-food); gift packages; Kinderartikel: assorted gift articles (sweets & toys), chocolate products combined with toys;