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قائمة المنتِجين / Dietrich Borggreve Zwieback- und Keksfabrik KG

Dietrich Borggreve Zwieback- und Keksfabrik KG
Hermann-Borggreve-Str. 1 - 349828 Neuenhaus
Dietrich Borggreve Zwieback- und Keksfabrik KG
Biscuit and pastry tradition since 1928
Since the foundation of our company in 1928, we have produced our exclusive biscuit and pastry specialities in the traditional way from original recipes handed down over the years. Now as ever, it is imperative for us to comply with the demands of consumers. Satisfied customers and consumers are an essential challenge for us.
The love of fine biscuits and pastries is a guarantee for constant quality in all stages of production. We use only natural, specially selected, high-quality ingredients in the production of our products. Borggreve stands for known skilled quality combined with excellent and modern industrial production (IFS certification: high standard).
With our flexible company structure we can react to the demands of international trade at any time. This means market opportunities are consistently recognised and acted upon.
Our recipe for success is a combination of traditional recipes which are continually improved upon and the application of the most modern production methods, together with frequent contact with our customers. The Borggreve Company has the intention of continuing to develop independently in the future. In order for it to stay this way attention is laid to conscious risk distribution and healthy growth.
المتحدث الرسمي

- السيد Peter Claßen
- رقم الهاتف: +49 5941 1097
- البريد الإلكتروني: classen@borggreve-kekse.de
- كروت الائتمان: Download

- السيد Peter Claßen
- رقم الهاتف: +49 5941 1097
- البريد الإلكتروني: classen@borggreve-kekse.de
- كروت الائتمان: Download
أصناف المنتجات
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حلويات خالية من الجلوتين: بسكويت / حلويات مخبوزة خالية من الجلوتين;
حلويات خالية من اللاكتوز: بسكويت / حلويات مخبوزة خالية من اللاكتوز;
حلويات نباتية: بسكويت / حلويات مخبوزة نباتية;
حلويات حلال (موافقة للشريعة الإسلامية): بسكويت / حلويات مخبوزة حلال;
حلويات كوشر (موافقة للشريعة اليهودية): بسكويت / حلويات مخبوزة كوشر;