أصناف المنتجات

KONDIMA Couvertures and Chocolates


KONDIMA Couvertures and Chocolates

Our innovative cocoa products offer manifold possibilities for the finest chocolate specialties.

Our couvertures and chocolate masses differ in content of cocoa and fat. The product range varies from standard chocolate mass through our favorite couvertures to our extra light superior whole milk chocolate used for decoration.

Several other cocoa products like compound coatings, chocolate syrup or grated chocolate offer the perfect solution for all purposes. This way you can finish your products with the perfect taste to enthuse your customers.


Dark types:

550     Block chocolate 55/45/30

608     "Rhine" chocolate couverture 60/40/38

600     "Rhine" chocolate couverture 60/40/40

602     "Rhine" chocolate couverture 60/40/42

1608   "Danube" chocolate couverture 60/40/38

1701   "Danube" chocolate couverture 70/30/41


Milk types:

355     Whole milk chocolate couverture 35/35

388E   Superior whole milk chocolate couverture 38/38

377E   Superior whole milk chocolate couverture, extra light  37/37

W35    White milk chocolate 35


Grated Chocolate:

WRS   Grated white chocolate

SRG    Rough-grated plain chocolate

SRF    Fine-grated plain chocolate


Cocoa products:

KBU    Cocoa butter

KMA    Cocoa mass

KPg     Cocoa powder low fat, 10-12% fat, dark

KONDIMA Engelhardt GmbH & Co. KG

Stösserstr. 17 - 19
76185 Karlsruhe

رقم الهاتف: +49 721 55996-0
تليفاكس: +49 721 55996-77

البريد الإلكتروني: kontakt@kondima.de

الموقع: www.kondima.de


Made to be creative. Created to be tempting. KONDIMA.

More than ninety years ago, Dr. med. Leopold Engelhardt established the “Kondimafabrik AG” in Karlsruhe. The tradition-rich company began its success story in 1923 with the processing of raw almond and nut masses.


Bakers, confectioners, patissiers, and renowned confectionery manufacturers appreciate the broad selection of high-quality semi-finished products.


  • Raw marzipan pastes
  • Raw persipan pastes
  • Couverture chocolate
  • Praline pastes
  • Macaroon pastes
  • Chocolate shavings
  • Confectioner’s couvertures
  • Dessert creams
  • Almond and hazelnut preparations

المتحدث الرسمي

  • السيد Horst Götze
  • Sales Manager
  • رقم الهاتف: +49 721 55996-62
  • البريد الإلكتروني: horst.goetze@kondima.de
  • كروت الائتمان: Download
  • لغات:
  • السيد Horst Götze
  • Sales Manager
  • رقم الهاتف: +49 721 55996-62
  • البريد الإلكتروني: horst.goetze@kondima.de
  • كروت الائتمان: Download
  • لغات:

أصناف المنتجات

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