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Índice de empresas / Huober Brezel GmbH & Co.

Huober Brezel GmbH & Co.
Riedstr. 171729 Erdmannhausen
Founded as a company producing long-life bakery goods from its origins in a Stuttgart-based baker's more than 65 years ago, HUOBER BREZEL is now the only baking company in Europe to have continuously produced salted/lye-coated savoury snacks and still be family-owned.
At an early stage the company was faced with the challenge of contemplating the relationship between industry and agriculture, situated as it is in a rural environment in the small town of Erdmannhausen on the edge of the agglomeration of Stuttgart with its varied industries. Since the beginning of the 1980s, the company has promoted the ecological renewal of food processing based on organic agriculture. Since 1996 HUOBER BREZEL has been producing exclusively on an organic basis: "Organic is not a luxury – organic is the basis" is the motto behind the crispy and inexpensive range.
The very best ingredients are carefully put together fresh every day in simple recipes, based on the principles of craftsmanship, and given plenty of time to rest. We set great store by making our processes humanly manageable because from the field through the actual making of the dough into the HUOBER warehouse, it is the people at HUOBER who make the difference. A difference you can taste.
Persona de contacto

- Señor Martin Hildenbrand
- Sales
- Teléfono: +49 7144 338 140
- Correo electrónico: martin.hildenbrand@huoberbrezel.de
- vCard (tarjeta personal electrónica): Download

- Señor Eugen Jedig
- Export Manager
- Teléfono: +49 7144 338
- Correo electrónico: eugen.jedig@huoberbrezel.de
- vCard (tarjeta personal electrónica): Download

- Señor Martin Hildenbrand
- Sales
- Teléfono: +49 7144 338 140
- Correo electrónico: martin.hildenbrand@huoberbrezel.de
- vCard (tarjeta personal electrónica): Download

- Señor Eugen Jedig
- Export Manager
- Teléfono: +49 7144 338
- Correo electrónico: eugen.jedig@huoberbrezel.de
- vCard (tarjeta personal electrónica): Download
Categorías de productos
Artículos para Aperitivo: aperitivos; productos extrusionados (galletas saladas, pastelería de queso, pan de levadura y sal): palitos salados, brezels; galletas saladas, pastelería de queso, pan de levadura y sal: galletas saladas, salted assortments, pastelería de queso, pan de levadura y sal; cracker: pizza cracker; snacks: bocados de masa salada;
Dulces Biológicos: artículos para aperitivo biológicos;