Guide des salons

ISM Cologne

ISM Cologne

Cologne , 02.02.2025 - 05.02.2025


ISM, as the international marketplace number one for the confectionery and snack industry, uniquely showcases the global offering of confectionery and snacks.


The sweetest event of the year gathers the "Who is Who" of the industry and fully delivers on its promise as an innovation and trend platform. Here, the key confectionery and snack exporters from around the world come together to explore the latest developments and discover new business opportunities. Explore the diversity and innovation of the confectionery and snack industry at ISM 2024!


For further Information 

Participants au salon

Société Hall Stand
Aachener Printen- und Schokoladenfabrik Henry Lambertz GmbH & Co. KG3.2 E011 - E019
BeautySweeties GmbH10.2G028
Dietrich Borggreve Zwieback- und Keksfabrik KG3.2D021
Cavendish & Harvey Confectionery GmbH10.2 G031 Showcase exhibition via German Sweets
Coppenrath Feingebäck GmbH3.2F021 - G020 Showcase exhibition via German Sweets
Delitzscher Schokoladenfabrik GmbH11.2E020
Gut Springenheide GmbH10.2C050 - C058 Showcase exhibition via German Sweets
HOSTA - Werk für Schokolade-Spezialitäten GmbH & Co. KG11.1A009
Confiserie Heidel10.2 F049
HITSCHLER International GmbH & Co. KG10.2F030
Katjes Fassin GmbH + Co. KG10.2F010 - G029
KuchenMeister GmbH11.2D011 - E018 Showcase exhibition via German Sweets
Confiserie Burg Lauenstein GmbH10.1J028
J. G. Niederegger GmbH & Co. KGhowcase exhibition via German Sweets
Piasten GmbH10.2E010 - F011
Pit Hoffmann GmbH & Co. KG10.2D051 - D059
Pulmoll Kalfany GmbHShowcase exhibition via German Sweets
Ragolds GmbHPassage Halle 10 Halle 11E002
Hans Riegelein & Sohn GmbH & Co. KG11.2E011 - E019
Rübezahl Schokoladen GmbH11.2E011 - E019
Schluckwerder GmbH3.2 C021 - D028
Viba sweets GmbH / Confiserie Heilemann 10.2A008 Showcase exhibition via German Sweets
Gottfried Wicklein GmbH & Co. KG Nürnberger Lebkuchen und Gebäckspezialitäten3.2E008 Showcase exhibition via German Sweets
XOX Gebäck GmbH3.2G021
Zentralfachschule der Deutschen Süßwarenwirtschaft e.V.10.1F088